Ghost Evidence Page
Are ghosts real? Evidence suggests the answer is yes but you are welcome to view the images and listen to the audio in order to decide for yourself. On this page we will post some of the evidence captured by our tour guests. Click the images to see them full size as well as details of the photos. Play the video to see orbs in action.

What is it: Spirit in front of door Date Taken: 16 September 2019 Location: Criterion Theatre Photo Credit: Kate Harrison Although blurry, the image shows the head and possible hand of a man manifesting out of a white mist. The photo was taken as the tour group was leaving and no physical person was standing in front of the door.

What is it: Ghost on the Balcony Date Taken: 2 August 2019 Location: 1932 Criterion Theater Photo Credit: Kyl and Celina Skaggs Alterations: Cropped and lightened from original image. Circle added.

Date Taken: 12 July 2019 Location: Old Burial Ground Photo Credit: Jackson Van Dyke

Date Taken: 13 July 2019 Location: Off Kennebec Street Photo Credit: Michelina Ferrara Photo edits: enlarged and cropped from original

Date Taken: 5 July 2019 Location: Old Burial Ground Photo Credit: Barbara Vrana

What it is: Male figures on the balcony Location: Criterion Theatre Date Taken: June 24, 2019 Photo Credit: Katelyn Krantz Photo edit: Cropped and Lightened Staff Note: This picture was taken after half of the group audibly heard a male clear his throat in the area of the balcony during the telling of the ghost stories.

Photo Credit: Keith Sullivan Date: 24 May 2019 Location: Ledgelawn Inn

Photo Credit: Thomas Browne Date Taken: 30 September 2018 Location: Criterion Theatre

Ghost face in window taken by one of our cruise ship guests. Â Photo Credit: Seth Wise Date: 28 August 2018 Location: Rectory Common

Photo Credit: Shelley Paterson Fahey Date: 27 August 2018 Location: Ledgelawn Inn, 3rd floor

The lady of the theatre likes to show up unexpectedly. Â It looks like she is in her favorite spot again. Photo Credit Lynn Smith 25 August 2018

Could this be the suicidal bride at Ledgelawn, looking for her lost lover? Photo Credit Michael Clark 15 July 2018

Orb over St Saviours Church. Photo Credit: Martin May 4 Sept 2018

This green orb had been following us around all week showing up in different places and on different nights. Photo Credit: Dirty Zombie Slayer 11 August 2018

A nice green orb next to the tour guide's skirt.  This orb followed our tours for days and was spotted in numerous locations by various people of different tours! Photo credit Mary Messeroll 5 August 2018

Photo Credit: Mary Messeroll 5 August 2018

"This was taken near the water in bar harbor, where the tour took us. I was trying to snap pictures but every time I took one my phone would just turn completely off. This happened many times at that location, and I even had my cousin take the picture to make sure I wasn't making an error, but it kept turning off. The photo shown is the only photo that saved as I took those pictures. And as you can see there is an outline of a figure in the photo." Photo credit CXSTONE 8/14/18

"I took this picture at the Criterion with my phone on the way out after being told that there was sometimes activity reported in the balcony. Our tour was in June. It wasn't until later that I zoomed in on the exit sign on the left balcony and noticed what appears to be a figure in the doorway. I do remember checking that the balcony was empty as I took the photo so I found this to be an interesting photo. Thanks for a great tour. We really enjoyed it!!" Thanks, Everly McCormack 21 June 2017

"This was taken in the Criterion after conclusion of tour. 2 orbs are clearly seen." Dawn and Bill Patterson 29 Sept 2017

"The Bar Harbor ghost tour was an excellent introduction to the history and past residents that make up Bar Harbor’s history. If you love history and ghosts (and you’re a believer or otherwise), this tour is definitely worth experiencing. Jennifer was an extremely engaging storyteller and guide. I even managed to capture a photo of what may be one of the local haunts! My tour date was 9/25/17."  Courtney Allison Brown

"This was taken around the time that the guy was telling the people on the stage behind us not to stand on there. It was just that one guy on the right and the group behind us no one else. Thanks again for a great tour and we most definitely will come back for the tour when we come back to Bar Harbor." Jennifer Omicioli 18 August 2017

"I was in one of your tours over the weekend:). Thank you for making my Anniversary special that night. Â The tour was August 12, 2017 @ 8pm..We went to the Criterion Theatre that night, and while our tour guide was talking I began taking live pictures with my iPhone 6s... I caught an orb, plain as day fly to the front of my phone and headed down to the front of the theatre."Â Tammy Clavette, Maine

"I was on the tour on Friday, August 11th... On the first stop of the tour  I walked around the outside of the house taking pictures. And in one of the pictures an orb shows up in the top-floor window; there were no lights turned on in the window when I took the picture." Andrew Barnes, Alabama

Third orb image captured in front of the tour guide near her right arm. The orb had moved again from its position in House Orb 2. Picture taken while on tour on August 12, 2017. Photo credit: Tammy Clavette, Maine

"It was taken right after your talk about the theater as everyone was exiting. I had a personal experience slightly before snapping the pic, I saw a curtain in the balcony rustling and a not quite solid shadow dart across the balcony...I did notice what appeared to be faces in the photo, but I saw them more in the misty area. Thanks for a great tour!" Andy Acree 13 October 2017

Image captured on June 28, 2017 in the 1932 Criterion Theatre while on a Bar Harbor Ghost Tour. Â Photo credit to Trisha Lindsey, Ohio.

"My Husband I were at your Ghost Tour on June 14th of this year. It was as well …my birthday and our anniversary. When I first went in the Theater, I felt weird and had goosebumps from head to toe. My husband, Matt took some photos of the empty Theater hoping to capture something . After the tour, we went to a park to look at the picture and behold there is a figure in the awesome. I want to thank you for an awesome tour it was the best." Carolyn A. & Mathew E. Hess from St Paul, MN

This picture was taken of one of our guides on May 25, 2017. The bright little orb in the lower right hand of the image was tracked in different locations around her in several photos that evening. Pictures were taken by a tour guest.

Orb Video
Play the video to see three orbs nearly fly into the camera lens and up over the photographer's head near the end. This video was taken by a tour guest inside the Criterion Theatre.